Politicians turned legislators and executives possess a refusal to enact laws thereby denying the citizens of this country the benefit of a wholesome country.
Decisions affecting our lives are made in rooms hidden from citizens by people whose loyalties are not to the citizens but to the few responsible for their election, what they think and do, then presented to the citizens as good for them.
Politicians are deaf to the voices of those responsible for the wealth of this country, those who made this country, what it is. That is the worker.
Politicians ignore the will of the many, placing the many, the worker, outside the protection of the government while protecting the rich.
A capricious and arbitrary government results, giving us unfairly levied taxes on the workers, the poor, while permitting the rich to escape taxes.
Through their control of the media, the rich paint a picture of them carrying the burdens for the benefit of the worker. Nothing is farther from the truth.
The rich divide us among ourselves fighting our neighbor who is no different from ourselves operating as a diversion from the exploitation of the worker by the rich. And when the rich among themselves disagree here and abroad it is the children of the worker, the many, the poor whose blood is expended.
Causing many outside the protection of the government, unfairly taxed and oppressed, to petition their government but these petitions are not heard.
The path to fair representational government is denied to the citizens, the people, the workers, through the buying and selling of politicians by the rich giving us government foreign to the interest of the people, the worker, the poor.
Many have lives of desperation, little hope, beaten down by burdens not of their making. Burdens such as paying inflated bills with insufficient income wondering will they be able to provide a good life for their children.
Many victims of this capricious and arbitrary government seek redress through ways, not legal, bringing them into the criminal system, a system designed by the few to protect the perpetrators of the wrongs. This court system, dependent not on law but the will of the bought politicians, obstructs the administration of justice.
Resulting is a court system protecting the rich, making a mockery of the court system. A government that is a giant, impersonal, and bureaucratic machine with politicians crooked and insensitive to the life of the people, the workers, the poor grows stronger with the worker becoming weaker.
The rich, through corporations, govern the many, the workers, the poor free of the constraints of the Constitution giving them absolute control over the lives of the people, the workers, the poor.
When the government fails to be trusted, the people, the workers, the poor are alone in a harsh world not of their doing.
The glory that once was America struggles to survive. Many have never seen or experienced this struggling glory. “It was meant for another not looking like me,” say many.
“Life lacks magic, hope, completeness,” many say while longing for something greater than all together.
Many seek answers, freedom from doubts, and consolation from the preacher, rabbi, or priest. In the quiet and private moments of their lives, they inadequately confront mortality, fearing death and what it means.
The institutions of religion fail the people. Intellectual and spiritual questions are ignored, bringing on the lack of emotional stability and satisfaction.
The time has arrived to be part of something making this glory real again, only this time, not for the other, but for you, for all. It is basic to America for the people to Rise Up, Stand Up, to a government destructive to these ends, and to change or abolish it.
Rise Up, Stand Up for a religion, a philosophy, a country that answers your questions, bringing completion to your life. That allows you to return to the days of your youth with its dreams and glory.
For the many never having a youth of dreams and glory Rise Up, Stand Up.
The right to throw off the restraints giving what we have is to be exercised through action, not words. Duty demands abolishment of the abuses and usurpations designed to deprive the people, the worker, of their rightful place.
This duty is to be honored.
Our politicians do not want the American people to know the reality of their lives. They take a people trampled upon under the iron heal of the corporate and banking elite and through deception tell them they live in the richest country in the world with the most freedom.
The politicians are told what to say, what to do, what to think while the wealth and the freedom are reserved to the corporate and banking elite, the few. The politicians go along with the deception becoming part of it.
The many, not the few, the workers, toil each day with no respect and recognition for the fact it is they who create this wealth and freedom for the few, not them, losing faith in the political process when shopping for food, gas, clothing, they live the politics.
The Democrat, the Republican, the Liberal, the Conservative, the MEGA person, the non-MEGA person, the Muslin, the Jew, the Christian, the black man, the white man, all share in common their status as toilers for the few but the few have the many pointing fingers, and far worse, the fist, at each other.
When the government says 50% of the households have an income over a certain dollar figure they leave out what goes into this figure. Earned income in the form of wages and salaries are included but so are food stamps, fuel assistance and other public benefits.
Included because the few for whom they toil fail to pay their due forcing the government through the bought politicians to subsidize their financial empires.
Then we come to what is paid out and the figure even when subsidized is not enough money requiring multiple jobs meaning all too common 60 hours work weeks for many. The social effects are staggering. Less time with children. Less time attending to school needs.
And who speaks for these people. Certainly not the politicians.