Why Fentanyl? Why Drugs? Why Alcohol?
Fentanyl killing us. Drugs killing us. Alcohol killing us. Pills, legal and illegal, killing physically, spiritually, morally, eating away family, friendship, destroying dreams, all that is good making way for evil to have its way.
With this evil comes division, shutting down the brain, desire, hope and the vitality coming from hope ravishing rays of hope and glory.
Lost is principle and one unprincipled cannot understand justice.
Respect for the self is lost losing acknowledgment of who we are, what we are, who and what we can be.
Childhood innocence is lost. The sun, the moon, the falling rain lose their beauty as does the neighbor. Respect for history is gone.
No longer does one honor country or be a blessing to family.
Politicians capable of evil and good grow the evil when inadvertently misguided. Politicians whose capability of evil is actualized are despotic.
Few sell the drugs but the many having the appetite. Why does one buy the drugs? Why does a person destroy himself, his family, his country?
The question should be why care for that which does not matter?
Why should a man care for that when that does not care for him? Why care for the workforce, the boss, when seen as an asset being no different than a cow, a pig, a machine, disposing of him as he pleases to make a profit.
Why should a man care for one for whom he toils who takes the fruit of his labor? Why should a man care for a government that does its best to exclude him from the process of governing while serving the few.
How can a man expect to live happily when he is told words starting in youth that do not make sense, that are often lies?
How can a man grow when his government, his church, his work, which he serves destroys his thinking, his creativity? This demise of thinking destroys freedom of thought and without freedom of thought there is no freedom of action or free will.
Reducing the body and mind to poverty living in a world where honest men are strangled by the monopolists using illegal actions not supporting principle.
How can a man be happy when a flower fully blooming reaching up to the sun and sky has reached its potential when man has barely started?
The consciousness becomes a shipwreck losing sight of that which is eternal, the principles necessary for a happy life. Freedom struggles.
Freedom and rights not the grant of government. Rights are inherent derived from the maker.
Our forefathers earned our freedom for us sacrificing their estates, at the expense of their ease, pleasure and their blood. Rights and freedom cannot be when man at his worse creates law setting up the few with the right to inherent the earth.
Lost in all of this is that the lowest of the people are entitled to the benefit of the law that is there for all.
A man being part of the governing process, respected for opinion, his contribution, sharing the fruits of labor fairly, will not work for its destruction. He will not need the escape of the drug. He will no longer live the politics of the few but be the politics.
History is the struggle to disregard the uniforms of man and consider the men who wear them. With no more dividing factions, no more man-made religions with a government built on the law of principle not the law of man, the American Dream is realized seeing it as the dream of all people.
Respect and acknowledgment of who we are, what we can be, becomes real. In respecting ourselves, acknowledging ourselves we learn the good we can do together surpasses what we can do alone.