Agenda of Prime Directives
We live in an eternity. Who we are today, we owe to the people who came before us continuing to make history with our problems of today being no different than the problems faced by our ancestors. Concerns of shelter, food, health care, employment, security and happiness remain the same.
All have and continue to care for their children, their dreams. All have and continue to face doubts and questions concerning issues of God and immortality. All have and continue to dare to have a genuine say in their government, in their community, in their lives.
History is the struggle to answer these concerns and in this answering man moves forward.
History has and continues to be the making of a world recognizing it is the worker getting up each day to work creating the world in which we live. The workers are the Producers building this world struggling for justice.
The conditions of our country, our world, run contrary to this recognition. This is not acceptable. This leads to the waste of whom we truly are and whom we can be.
Each day of my life I work with all of God's creatures seeing with an eye not constrained by the bitterness of the hearts so dominate in our lives understanding each of us in our own way is as lovely as the spring morning. In this understanding, the world in which we live, where blood seemingly rains down more than the water of the rain, does not need to be our future.
We have a choice. We have free will. Violence and despair do not need to be our lives, do not need to be the world of our children, do not need to be the world of our grandchildren.
Each of us in our own way possesses a duty defined by the circumstances of each, to not rebuild what we may have lost but to go on building upon what our fathers and mothers did giving due tribute to their struggles, successes and failures with a focus on being righteous as we best understand righteousness, and doing acts of goodness as we best understand goodness.
Prime Directives seeks to establish a way forward based on you and me embraced by Americans, and the mothers and fathers rising as we do in lands far away deemed our enemy. All share the same life experiences, awakening each day, with the same feelings and hopes. Prime Directives seeks the way embraced by all. All are brothers and sisters.
Rare to you and me, unique to our times, is a door able to be opened through which we can enter not as Americans, not as Christians, not as Jews, not as Muslins, but as a people seeing each matter, each has value, each is to be respected, and seeing forgiveness of our enemies serves us well.
Break away from the ways controlling our lives, the tired and failing ways, and come together to share our stories, our thoughts, our plans, our views proceeding into a world where each is heard and respected, placing into action the means to give the potency of our lives an actuality.
The American Dream
Need to organize to bring about a system where the worker defines his destiny, where the worker creates. Sound economic theory demands this. Historical necessity is at work here.
Fulfill the American Dream beginning with respect for the worker with laws acknowledging the worker as the origin of wealth. Let the worker has his due. Let's get started and move forward.
We are facing the foulest of our times conspiring to destroy that which is good and decent about our country, and this we cannot allow to happen.
The dreams of the old, the young, the poor, the worker, the weak are in jeopardy of dying. And no one is there to stand up for them. They have no voice.
Dreams uniquely American are dying meaning we must go forward with the courage uniquely American to provide the voice to silence the voice of the tyrants.
We are to go forward carrying on the fight against poverty, disease, and ignorance possessing a purpose common to all. It is this purpose we serve.
The way forward is to stand with the old, the young, the poor, the worker, the weak understanding their dreams are common and shared.
Too long we have talked about the glory and the rights of the working man. It is time to make this glory real.
Time to free this country from the suffocating bigotry of the past. To fight for the idea, we each possess value meaning we fight for ourselves by fighting for each other.
We must go forward not for profit and conquest but liberation doing so with faith in ourselves and in each other.
Focus on a peace in which freedom and justice lives in all.
The few are people of greed and ignorance originating in racism and bigotry. They are to be conquered.
Need policies and laws advancing the working man, the creators of our nation's wealth, recognizing the ability of the working man to competently direct his life.
We have the ability and capacity to stand up for the weak against the wicked giving life to these dreams.
In doing so poverty, disease and ignorance flees. The glory of the worker is made real. Bigotry and the chains of the past are let go.
We have a choice. We can engage in a life for money, fame, land, power, money, importance.
Seek truth requiring a mind and heart open and caring for all.
For a world where no man bows to another, where no man has his future determined by his birth, his happenstance.
Doubt and fear can no longer be our excuse.
Focus on a peace in which freedom lives, and all know justice.
Greet and conquer the enemy of our country, the people of greed and arrogance grounded in racism, religion and country.
Seek policies advancing the working man not the rich.
Believe in your ability to act. Go forward caring for our neighbor,
Hate, evil, the violence are there placed by the few to divide the many, you and me.
Choose to Live for Your Neighbor
Reason implies thought and thought implies choice. Choice requires mental activity free of the cravings of passion and desires.
"All men are created equal", a man wrote.
But is the man in the carriage, the big car, equal to the worker in the mine, the mill, the man seeking to clean my windshield for pennies, the man who made the carriage, the car?
One has a marker upon death. One does not.
We can fight for ourselves or for each other, fight to be someone or for another to be someone, or the idea each possesses value.
Our road will be as it has always been long and hard. The greed of the few is strong.
You and I have the same fears and dreams. It is the dreams upon we need to build. Each of us has souls tried.
We each have a choice. Choice being another word for free will. Be a fighter or be a coward.
Let us fight to end conquest. To liberate all from the ashes. To be a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Let us not allow the temporal to keep us from this quest. Let us fight greed, racism, ignorance, to find a peace free of the schemes of unworthy men. Where all reap the fruits of their toil.
I Am You. You Are I
I am you. You are I. I will not turn on you whom I love and honor. I will not turn on the people of this country no more than my father, mother, brother, and sisters.
The conflict and tension between good and evil is not possible in the absence of free will. Ethics cannot be without free will making free will and moral responsibility of the same with justice not possible without free will.
And this free will is unique to man.
Reason implies thought and thought implies choice. Choice requires mental activity free of the cravings of passion and desires.
The freeing of the will, being of the evolution of man, is man's struggle to self-realization, either achieved based on conditioned thinking or thinking conditioned to be free. Will the Will to be free.
Let us pick up each and go forward knowing our ability to help each other defines us. Understanding there is no greater glory than a life and a death of one’s choosing. And this free will is unique to man.
I saw dreams in the ashes of life.
I saw religions, Islamic, Christian, Hebrew, and Hindu, are of the One with the One being in all religions. The Koran and the Sermon on the Mount equally inspire.
I saw people of many religions speak of the existence and realization of purpose in a God centered life, each bowing before an over-riding authority. Each believed their God is almighty. I saw among all a harmony commanded by their God.
I saw people lose the candor of youth, of virtue, becoming engrossed in the vulgarity of narrow egotism keeping the man, the woman, toiling from childhood late into life captivated in the cages of religion and patriotism.
I saw people no different than I born into this world with no choice of where we are born, of whom we are born not understanding life is overwhelmingly decided for us. But each possesses the capacity to choose how to live and die.
I saw religion competing with an economy appealing to the wickedness of the soul. Saw in religion what I saw in the world, constant conflict between good and evil, the secular and the spiritual.
In place of religion a new god became alcohol and drugs, replacing the minister, the priest, the rabbi with the therapists and alcohol counselor.
I saw people did not leave religion rather religion left the people.
I saw men of the Holy Clothe, the Church, uttering words destitute of wisdom wondering with stupid looks why people stay away from the church.
I saw in men and women, of seemingly impeccable honor and bigotry, lapses of judgment embodying a damaging dissension.
I saw all religions have an afterlife, whether it be reincarnation, hell, heaven. or something else. Common to each, this afterlife depends on how life is lived.
I saw religious dogmatism silencing dialogue, festering intolerance and contempt. Nonetheless, I saw a path fostering inner life.
Each of us has as his goal peace and harmony, but this is done far too often through taking the spirit of your brother and making it your spirit without losing your spirit.
The forgotten and lowly contribute to the whole.
The whole is of the Divine Law defining human law, making human law subordinate to the Divine, the whole. Religion out of line with the four laws, eternal law, natural law, divine law, human law, fails.
I saw that you like me have been taught not to steal, care for family, friends, and those beyond. I saw you celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks and hotdogs.
I experience life as you. We are not enemies. Saw our timeless inheritance is Virtue.
I saw people worshipping the real behind the shadows of life. The truth behind the fragments and shadows of the real. But many worship shadows as real.
Saw truth and morality are inseparable each being one and universal. Brotherhood follows the grasping of the universal. Truth is not restricted to one book, one temple, one church, one ritual. It is in all as all is in the one.
All seen and experienced is not possible without an Absolute. It is this Absolute that is the beauty in this world.
I saw division but also a commonality making each man an equal. I saw an element of discrimination, human in nature, not divine, giving us evil.
Free Will
Born not free, we are. But once born, free we are to decide how to live and die.
I saw free will being unique to man. Good and evil are not possible in the absence of free will. Ethics cannot be without free will making free will and moral responsibility the same making justice not possible without free will.
All is part of a whole, the universe, an evolutionary process. As the universe unfolds so do the parts thereof reaching self-realization. Like a flower, we grow. Unlike a flower, we have a choice how we grow.
I saw a world of opposites. To everything that is there is an opposite. Hot-Cold. Dry-Wet. Limited-Unlimited. Odd- Even. Right-Left. One-Plurality. Male-Female. Resting-Moving. Straight-Crooked, Light-Darkness. Good-Evil.
Within these opposites implicit is the conclusion one cannot be without an opposite necessitating endless struggle. Life cannot be without death, nor death without life.
Truth is found in the creation sustaining all. Saw religion is of our being. Mental and spiritual fellowship, balance and harmony, rest upon this truth.
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