Today's Thought
“How can it that in our wonderful century there are still some people so constructed that they cannot raise their eyes from the hellish darkness of their Gothic age to the bright flame of the sun?” Francois Rabelain (1490-1553)
This question asked some 500 years ago relevant then remains so today. Then as now man continued the struggle to assert his freedom from an authoritative church. Man continued the age-old struggle to think for himself casting aside the embracement of the church in its endeavor to crush the efforts of man to think.
Placing man in a conflict between faith and reason, freedom and authority, the miracle and the natural law. The end of the Dark Ages began the day man began to speak and question.
Reason and its cousin doubt are dying in the church of our time. In the church, the mind became weak focusing on the pursuit of the imperfect. Only by doubting is an honest inquiry possible. In doubting birth is given to inquiry, an honest inquiry. In this birth comes the realization that the church of today is the creation of man having little if anything to do with God.
This habit of living without thinking, without doubt, carries over into every aspect of life, in politics, in the economy, in our choices how to live and eat.
Today the line between the church and the market place is a thin line perhaps not even there. The church cannot survive with doubting parishioners and the market place, American capitalism, cannot survive with doubting consumers.
The maxims of the church are man’s maxims not of the Lord. The church and the market place cannot prosper with a man who doubts. Their goal is the same. Oppress, oppress, oppress. Oppress the wages. Oppress civil liberties. Oppress thinking. And dominate the worker for the benefit of the few.
The church and the market place work together because each realize man cannot survive without God, even if this God be a false God created by man, not the God of the Scriptures.
This is the challenge of our time. The same challenge that took us out of the Dark Ages.
We are an emanation (an extension) from an undefined original property presented to the world as if the product of a creation. Being an emanation, this original property, no matter how undefined, lives on within us making the road we travel a road of the sovereign.
This road, a single road, comes to a split, becoming two roads, one level - the road of Good, the other rocky - the road of Evil.
The decision which road to take is determined by which Will of man prevails. That is either the Will of Good or the Will of Evil. The man who sees the Secret beyond the illusions of life sees the Good. The man who sees the shadows of the Secret sees Evil. The type of Will is determined by what man sees.
A laborious effort, necessary to see beyond the illusions of life, requires a genuine desire to pursue this effort. It is an effort not making sense without the expectation of life after death with the current life being the life by which we learn and the next the life lived by what we have learned.
The purpose of the political order, more importantly the foundation of the political order, that is the economic order, is to free man not only from the chains of poverty and oppression setting him free to achieve his glory but to provide the way to unity with God realizing God is not external but internal telling us who is God.
I am God. You are God. We are God.
As such man has one duty. To be righteous and care for his neighbor knowing the workings of inequities create poverty, oppress the working man, steal from him to give to the few, robs him of his artistic talent and his place in eternity.
The customs and comforts of this world are to be seen for what are. Here today. Gone tomorrow. Leaving me, and you, out on a high edge with no choice but to search for the foundation upon which all rest.
Any other way is meaningless. Otherwise, my love for mother, for father, for brother, for sister, for daughter, for sons, means nothing without this foundation.